Introducing Mitch GrayMitch Gray (AKA The Scaffolder) is a mercenary for hire. He’s a crack shot sniper and demolitions expert.
Awakening in the New WorldAfter 200 years in stasis, Mitch awakens from his vault to find that the world he once knew is a very different place.
Ridding the Streets of MutantsMitch Gray has his first run-in with a group of super mutants, the perfect opportunity to test out some demolitions equipment.
Visiting Diamond CityMitch manages to reach Diamond City unscathed, but what did he find there and was it worth the trip?
Gimme that WeaveSearching out the Railroad becomes a priority for Mitch, as he looks to acquire the ballistic weave crafting ability.
Defecting to BOSWith the ballistic weave perk acquired from the Railroad, it was time for Mitch to move on and find another faction to take advantage of.